I haven't really penned a 'round up' or summary of a year before but I thought it might be a good idea to take stock of last years achievements for a change. We are all guilty of getting stuck in the day to day running of a business and juggling many hats! And maybe not noticing things as a whole.
So my best achievement of 2023 is the very fact that I’m still running my business after 16 years! I am so very grateful for all my loyal customers and colleagues who return for repeat business, recommend me to others and support me in a myriad of ways. Without this level of support, I wouldn’t still be here so thank you!
In 2023, I designed and built 27 websites of which 7 were updated/redesigned versions for existing customers. These included websites for a Tina Turner tribute act, beauty salon, workwear supplier, interior designer, podiatrist, forensic investigator, fishing lake and solicitors to name but a few. You can see the wide range of businesses that I have the pleasure to work with and each comes with its own challenges and priorities to design and incorporate. No two websites are the same and that is the best part of my job.
It is really important to redesign a website about every 3-4 years as your business priorities may have changed, content may need updating and your website should look fresh and current and not outdated. Always worth a bit of an audit every few years. A website over 5 years old is likely to start to look tired and in need of TLC. Take a look at yours and see if that is the case.
And on the very subject, I also managed to redesign my own website earlier in 2023. I took my own advice and reassessed and reorganised the content and styling to make it clearer to navigate and showcase my work. By the end of 2024, I shall be taking another look to see what has changed or needs updating. (Note to self!)
In conjunction with my graphic designer colleague, we have created some great logos for new businesses. Its always a pleasure to be working with start ups at the beginning of their journey.
I am also pleased to report that I have added a new service to my hosting which is included as standard for all my customers. An additional ring of security that protects the servers from outside threats and can spot and quarantine malware automatically. A great new option to aid against any outside threats. I am always looking for ways to add additional value to customers and ensuring a high level of service as standard and so I’m pleased to be including this new service for 2024.
So as we leave 2023 behind and move into 2024, I wonder what is on the horizon for Jo&Co? I am excited to continue this journey learning more about my craft, exploring new technologies and designs to create more memorable websites for my clients.