So the latest version of WordPress will be released on 6th December – so imminently at the time of writing this. What’s so different about this that you need to write a blog post I hear you cry! A LOT!
So this new version comes with a total change to the editing system within WordPress that will look fundamentally different and will require editors and administrators to edit content in a totally different way. This release includes ‘Gutenberg‘ and marks a big change to the platform which may also potentially create some headaches and head scratching.
This is what the new editing area will look like and is based on blocks and columns and adding different functions and features into the blocks and areas.
You can have a play with the new editor here
There have been lots of disgruntled developers and users throughout the internet raising their concerns but WordPress feel this is a requirement to keep up with other template editing systems now available. However, a lot of users and website owners also don’t know its coming and may be shocked when they upgrade.
For this reason, and to allow themes and plugins to catch up, I will probably be delaying updating my clients websites until the new year. The release just before Christmas doesn’t allow much testing time and so I often find it is prudent not to rush these things. It may be that a second release follows hot on the heels of the first one correcting some issues experienced. It is also possible to maintain the use of the current editor for the time being but this is the future!
And if you have any questions about the impact this may have on your website then please get in touch!